Saturday, July 25, 2009

Obama's Own Prejudices

Obama was asked about Gates' arrest and began his response by saying Gates was a friend and he didn't have all the facts.

If you admit you do not have all the facts Then how can you give an intelligent and accurate opinion about an incident?

To judge beforehand without possessing adequate evidence is the definition of Prejudge which is the root word of Prejudice.

Conclusion: Obama based his opinion on his personal Prejudices.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Liberal reasons VS Conservative reasons

Rule No. Liberal reasons
1 Rule of compassionate man (Law only applies when it produces desired Outcome.)
2 equal outcome
3 governmental responsibility
4 instant gratification
5 flight
6 idealist
7 personnel safety
8 dependent on group and believe in subsidies
9 weak, selfish, and opportunistic

Liberal Leader's reasons
10 do not trust their followers wisdom
11 try to rule from the top down

12 Believe in Two sets of laws 1 for followers and another for leaders.

13 believe in 1 class being ruled by an elite upper class with no incentive
for work or good behavior. Opportunity for moving up or down is based on
loyalty to political Ideology only and not honesty or integrity.

14 make decisions for their followers while absolving their followers
of any personnel responsibility for their own actions

15 want their followers to have equal amounts of money
regardless of their behavior or work skill.

16 believe only in power of scientist and Intellectuals and
what their 5 senses are able to detect

17 They make no distinction between scientific theory and fact.
(Big Bang Theory) (Man Made Global Warming Theory)

18 They believe science has replaced religion
They have faith in scientific theory before it is proven. They criticize religious
people for having faith in religion with out any proof. Science is their religion.

19 They try to impose their religious beliefs on others through legislation
(Global Warming)

Liberal Beliefs

20 They believe the US is a bad nation because of their wealth and military power.
They believe that no one can become rich with out stealing from the poor.

21 They believe that right is always weak and the strong are always wrong.

22 They do not believe in good and evil
They do not discriminate between governments that are ruled by the people and the
ones that rule against the will of the majority of their citizens.

23 they tend to Mock Judea Christian moral beliefs

24 They believe the world is over populated and the government should control
population. Government paid abortions. (small manageable war or terrorism)
(Pro Gay for population control)

25 they believe the US uses too much energy and should use less. Lower *our standard
of living to help others. (*The term our means everyone else not them)

26 They usually reward bad behavior and punish good behavior and are surprised when
they get more bad behavior than good.

27 They want small wars for population control that are manageable by them and are fair
where both sides have equal casualties.

Conservative reasons

1 Rule of law (law applies equally to all regardless of Outcome.

2 equal opportunity

3 Personnel responsibility

4 delayed gratification

5 fight

6 realist

7 Personnel Freedom

8 independent & self reliant

9 Strong, Loyal, and dependable

Conservative Leader's reasons

10 trust the collective wisdom of their followers

11 try to rule from the bottom up

12 believe in one set of laws for leaders and followers

13 believe in 3 basic classes in society
1 small lower, 1 large middle class, and
an upper class with everyone having equal
opportunity to move up or down based
on ability, work and behavior.

14 Allow their followers free Will, but hold them
accountable for their actions.

15 Want to reward work with money proportionate to the
quantity, quality, and importance to society.

16 faith in a higher power than man

17 They know historically that scientific fact has changed
with new scientific knowledge. (Flat earth)

18 They believe science can help explain religion

19 They try to impose their religious beliefs on others through peer pressure at church.
Shun people who commit adultery or sexual harassment

Conservative Beliefs

20 They believe the US is a Great nation because of freedom they were able
to become rich and powerful through hard work and not stealing.

21 They believe that other moral nations could be wealthy if their governments would
allow them to have freedom and capitalism.

22 They do believe in good and evil
Good government= the government works for the people, laws are made with the
consent of the majority of the people, one set of laws that apply equally to everyone.

23 they tend to respect Judea Christian moral beliefs

24 They believe that the fathers should marry the mother of their child and support their
children that would lead to fewer births than the government supporting
their children for them through welfare.

25 They believe that making the rich poor doesn't make the poor rich.
A moral culture with freedom and capitalism will become prosperous.

26 They reward good behavior and punish bad behavior.

27 They want to use all the force necessary to win the war as quick as possible with the
lowest casualties on our side and then have peace.